metro pcs in heaven
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422 Ord St., 2nd Floor, Suite D
Los Angeles, CA 90012
>> stairway entrance on hill st.
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E: chinatown.metropcs at gmail dot com
P: 323.388.5650
Saturday 12-6
or by appointment
in collaboration with Either Way LA
12PM – 4 PM at Nuisance Alley, Echo Park (map)
7 – 10 PM at metro pcs, Chinatown
Merideth Hillbrand
Whitney Hubbs
Ian James
Nick Kramer
Julia Leonard
Candice Lin
Anna Mayer
Devon Oder
Matt Siegle
LeRoy Stevens
Organized by Nick Kramer
Devon Oder, Julia Leonard, Candice Lin, Merideth Hillbrand, Whitney Hubbs, & Matt Siegle (L-R)
LeRoy Stevens & Devon Oder
LeRoy Stevens, Devon Oder, & Julia Leonard
Cosmos from LeRoy Stevens on Vimeo.
LeRoy Stevens, “Cosmos”
Devon Oder, The Flats
Devon Oder, Julia Leonard, Candice Lin, & Merideth Hillbrand
Julia Leonard, Meanwhile 3
Candice Lin & Merideth Hillbrand
Candice Lin, Clairvoyant Testosterone
Candice Lin, Mushroom Study 2 (Lion’s Mane)
Candice Lin, Mushroom Study 2 (Oyster)
Merideth Hillbrand, Hot Dog 1
Merideth Hillbrand, Hot Dog 2
Candice Lin, Merideth Hillbrand, & Whitney Hubbs
Whitney Hubbs, “Detail of a Woman no. 1”
Whitney Hubbs, Matt Siegle, & Anna Mayer
Matt Siegle, New Model Law’s Domicile, w/ bag
Anna Mayer, No End of Channels 18 (Figuring)
Anna Mayer, Nick Kramer, Devon Oder, LeRoy Stevens
Nick Kramer, Hand Portfolio My Chair
Ian James, Wolf River Harbor (looking east)
Documentation of Mushrooms & Honey @ Either Way LA here
Honey, sweet bio-gold, isn’t made in plastic bears and mushrooms aren’t convenient stools for tiny creatures. The thing is, both honey and mushrooms keep their truths secret from all but the most dedicated connoisseur. Mushrooms are
basically the official plant of the avant-garde* and honey is the moon juice of spiritual correctness.Held secret in hives and beneath the ground these two substances embody weird math lurking outside the easy purview of us human animals.
The connections I draw here are not reflective of the facts or respectful of nature’s patterns. Rather, they are based on an imagination of the world via distant, hidden metaphors. Let your mind wander, ask yourself if, and how, you can you compress the alien rhythms, expressions and textures of creepy nature into a form that is at all compatible with human understanding.
To give meaning to the shortness of the afternoon (mushrooms), I wanted weeks (honey). I wanted a container, like a hive, to keep all this honey. I wanted something like a mycelial bloom balanced with the frantic orchestration of a hive, each with its own patterns, speed and scale: Mushrooms & Honey.
For the first event of the day, we will gather in a disused alley from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m., for the brief, outdoor section of the show. Then, as day turns into evening, metro pcs will house the second, slow section of Mushrooms & Honey. This exhibition will open from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. on Saturday, May 14, and be on view until 6 p.m. Saturday, July 2 (with regular hours in between).
– Nick Kramer
*Are mushrooms even accurately described as plants?
metro pcs is an artist run project space in Chinatown, Los Angeles
422 Ord Street, 2nd floor
Stairway entrance on Hill Street
Open Sat 12 – 6, or by appointment
opening Thursday, March 24, 7 – 10 PM
March 24 – May 7, 2016
A Tribute to Mother Earth
Your boss. Your spouse. Your friends. You’ve noticed the craziness of how people are acting. It’s as though reality has taken a hit, and not for the better.
Our panel of award winning psychics and healers will tell you what is happening in the Universe, and what you can do about it. Your questions will be answered by the panel.
You don’t have to be afraid.
Find out what can be done to change this vibration for good. A prize raffle of great tools will happen at the end of the panel.
The Future of Humanity
In a thousand years, what will be the fate and destiny of humanity? Will there still be a human presence on Earth? Or will we have destroyed the small bandwidth that makes human life possible. Or will we have evolved into more conscious beings, living in harmony with ourselves, each other, and the planet.
Will we have free energy, sustainable food, easy interplanetary travel or even time travel? Or will we have been the cause of our own destruction? What must we do to created the best possible future for all living beings to exist in harmony and grow and evolve?
Let’s envision a future embedded with wholeness and possibility. The time for transformation is at hand.
Understanding the Alien Presence
Myth Breaker, Higher-Self Rendezvous brings to light the unseen Alien presence on Earth. HSR will expose invisible Alien technology which directly interfaces with our mind, body, and dream world.
Gain clarity on the alien agenda and their use of Stargates, Portals, Vortexes and Ley Lines. Aliens inhabit both Interdimensional and Interplanetary space. Gain an understanding of how Aliens manipulate Timelines and earth’s electromagnetic energy grids.
Become aware of the Invisible Alien Technology which has been attached to people including: Robotic devices retrofit with remote controlled Alien software, Mind Control, Implants, and more. The workshop will also include information on stealth Alien lifeforms, Shadow Bodies and Shape Shifters.
The Cosmic Labyrinth
Labyrinths have been in use for over 4000 years to create a Portal between the spiritual and the physical world. They are magical, geometric forms that define sacred space as a doorway to healing and transformation. This multidimensional experience with sound healing, mantras, and live spiritual music will induce you into a receptive state of consciousness, opening you to a high vibrational frequency, allowing your Angels and Spirit guides to answer your questions.
The Cosmic Labyrinth is a sacred and powerful experience that helps us open our hearts and feel a great sense of Oneness. When we raise our vibration, everything shifts and the impossible becomes possible.
Abductions, Implants, Cloning & Timelines
Uncover why Aliens are using future technologies on us from the year 2525 and beyond.
Experience the release of Alien energies including:
Learn about Alien Timeline body overlays and how to have them released.
Learn Remote Viewing CIA Style
Develop your own sense of “timeless awareness” to see anywhere, outside time and space.
Respected physicist/ESP researcher Higher-Self Rendezvous will convey his years of experience in training psychic spies for the CIA and demonstrate how you can do it too.
HSR will lead you in an actual remote viewing, proving that everyone, even you, has psychic ability.
Consciousness and the Holographic Mind
A new model of self-awareness and consciousness is emerging through some of the leading innovations in advanced physics and biophysics.
Describing consciousness as a field of information which permeates all things, this model correlates brain and microcellular structures of cells acting as antennae and transceiver to both receive and transmit information into and from this primary field.
Join our Panel of Ascension experts as they share their experiential knowledge of the Ascension process in practical step-by-step instructions that you can apply in your daily life.
Step into the sacred space of spiritual enlightenment as the Panel awakens hidden knowledge, activates ancient codes, and charges your energy field with Light Consciousness. Accelerate your personal evolution and Ascension at the speed of Light!
In this vast multi-dimensional Universe there is a mathematical pattern that repeats itself in countless ways. Seeing and understanding this takes one to a place of knowing that there is a Divine Intelligence working behind and through all manifest reality.
Join us on an aesthetically beautiful PowerPoint adventure where we learn how to use these insights as a stepping stone into being with the “Oneness of Creation.” Come on this journey from the infinitesimal microscopic to the vast macrocosmic nature of creation.
flag raising
presented in conjunction with Laurel Doody
SUNDAY JAN 31, 10 AM – 6 PM
Performance by Hailey Loman
The piece will begin with the installation of a Douglas Huebler drawing I recreated in colored pencil and there will be a dance track played for the duration of the performance. The music player will sit on a pedestal in opposition to the drawings.
The project will be the collapse of the install, exhibition, and deinstall. I will begin by preparing and cleaning the gallery, then hanging the work. I will finish by removing the
artwork, patching and repairing holes, cleaning and closing up the space. The performance will be performed solo and consist of me working alone. I will be able to converse and communicate if needed but will clearly have a task ahead of me.
The Huebler image is taken from, ‘Variable Piece #70: 1971 (In Process) Global, Crocodile Tears: The Signature Artist (Napoleon).’ It is of Napoleon Bonaparte’s face shown three times from different angles, cialis generique displayed in a triptych. I initially mistook the image for a chef and this misinterpretation of an artwork speaks to a loss of control and an artist’s lack of authority over an image he/she produces. I examine this array of male characters
– Napoleon, someone entered into Western history; a chef, traditionally an occupation dominated by males; and Huebler, a conceptual artist well-known within the arts but not to the rest of the world.
The audio component will play during the performance and loop. Visitors will be aware that an activity is happening in the present. The sound will speak to a frenetic energy, mimicking the shared reality that the audio will end and that death, or ceasing to exist, is something we all innately fear.
– Hailey Loman
metro pcs is an artist run project space in Chinatown, Los Angeles
422 Ord Street, 2nd floor
Stairway entrance on Hill Street
Thurs 7 – 10 PM, Sat 12 – 6, or by appointment
exhibitions include:A.U.T.O.E.N.U.C.L.E.A.T.I.O.N.
Für Gegenwartskunst, Basel (2013). Røhling holds an MFA from California Institute of the Arts (2010) and a BFA from Jutland Art Academy, DK.
metro pcs is an artist run project space in Chinatown, Los Angeles
422 Ord Street, 2nd floor
Stairway entrance on Hill Street
Open Saturdays 12-6 pm, or by appointment
[email protected]
metro pcs is pleased to host Pineapple in a Stocking, a series of performances during the month of October. Each of the four artists will have weeklong residencies in the gallery and may use it as they determine. The performers in Pineapple In a Stocking occupy spectral ends of this difficult-to-categorize medium.
Performance Friday Oct 9th, 8pm
Pescador will perform a set of exchanges between himself and dummies through short skits about daily interactions and conflict. Shifting between exaggerated body movements as well as choreographed dance, he treats these mannequins as partners and props. Accompanying this performance will be a set of projections, including a video he made as an undergraduate student, in which he attempted to have a sexual encounter with a dummy. In this video, he lays in bed trying to kiss this papier-mache body as its wig constantly falls off, while he undresses and attempts to penetrate the dummy with the aid of safety scissors.
Amy Howden-Chapman / Week 2
Sad Problem #18, #19, #20, #21
Sound by Steve Kado
Performance Thursday Oct 15th, 8pm
What you are about to see is sad problem #18—falling trees. What you are about to see is sad problem #19—light without leaves. What you are about to see is sad problem #20—the most toxic pond in Europe. What you about to see is sad problem #21—fogged film, you can expect to see faint splotches, foggy splotches, you can expect that how to buy levitra online it will be difficult to make out what the image behind the splotches was supposed to be.
Here you see corn husks contaminated with the radioactive isotope iodine-13.
Julia Kouneski / Week 3
Thursday Oct 22nd, beginning 6:30pm
One hour durational performance
“And so I decided that tag could be way more subtle than it was ever played in grade school. Like if I say ‘tag,’ I just hit your eardrums. And you’re it. Or if I write ‘tag’ on a piece of paper and I hold it up and you read it, I just hit the back of your eyeballs. And you’re it.”
Matt Siegle / Week 4
Cowboy Poems
Performance by appointment Oct 27 – Nov 1, 9 AM – 1 PM
Please email [email protected]
This performance is sponsored by Gimme! Coffee
metro pcs is an artist-run project space in
Chinatown, Los Angeles
422 Ord Street, 2nd floor
Stairway entrance on Hill Street
Open Saturdays 12-6 pm, or by appointment
[email protected]
July 30 – August 8, 2015
metro pcs is honored to screen Stan Douglas’s Monodramas, with a reception Thursday, July 30th from 7-10 pm. The exhibition will run until Saturday, August 8.
metro pcs is an artist run project space in Chinatown,
Los Angeles
422 Ord Street, 2nd floor
Stairway entrance on Hill Street
Open Saturdays 12-6 pm, or by appointment
The Bucket
Asha Schechter
From a low angle, the Colonel Sanders of East Hollywood looks worried. Perhaps, in his old age he is abandoning his aspirations for higher military distinction, or, more likely, he wonders whether the product being pressure cooked in the deep fryers below can still be consumed for legal tender. Since the late 1980’s, when the architects Elyse Grinstein and Jeffrey Daniels were hired to design this flagship franchise at the corner of Western and Oakwood, Kentucky Fried Chicken has grown into the second largest restaurant chain in the world, a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, while its marketing department has embarked upon ever more radical abasements of poultry. These have included the infamous 2011 rollout of the Double Down- a “sandwich” that substitutes bread with chicken, and chicken with bacon- followed by the 2013 #iatethebones campaign, in which terrified customers grapple with the possibility of asphyxia, only to be assured by the staff that they have just eaten a boneless and identical version of the classic 5-piece recipe. In these progressive and unnatural detachments, KFC’s chicken is revealed as a property so liquid that it could only be contained in bucket form.
Grinstein and Daniels have acted out these metamorphoses in their architecture, at the behest of Jack Wilke, who enlisted the firm in 1988 to overhaul his then 25-year-old ensure restaurant. Frank Gehry might not have been available, but the partners’ formative years spent apprenticing in his office made them ideal candidates for a downmarket extension of an architectural franchise that was just beginning to proliferate outside of Los Angeles and an upmarket version of the standard KFC design. The official elements of the prototypical KFC, including the fake mansard roof and rotating bucket sign, have been either diminished- the sloping roof is relegated to a small cap above the dual Colonel Sanders heads- or incorporated into the building- the rotation of the bucket is most evident in the plan, in which the curved façade along Western seems to be pivoting into the more conventional service areas. Even the diagonal racing stripes of the KFC logo, updated in 1991 when the company name was shortened to an acronym, have been anticipated as vertical fins, in a nod as well to Los Angeles’ post-war “Googie” architecture.
Together these redistributed and re-scaled motifs form a cohesive image of a high-speed and overflowing bucket of chicken, beckoning the stoned late-night cruisers of Western Avenue into the looping drive-thru. A birds-eye view, directed towards an avian audience, reveals the profile of a chicken in its pre-processed state- still standing upright on its skinny pilotis. Meanwhile, the double visages of Colonel Sanders point West and South towards the beaches of Malibu and Hermosa, longing for seafood and sand, and a retirement far away from his Old Kentucky Home. Vamos a la playa!
– Samuel Stewart-Halevy
The Bucket
Asha Schechter
May 7 – June 20, 2015
By appointment through June 28
metro pcs is an artist run project space in Chinatown, Los Angeles
422 Ord Street, 2nd floor
Stairway entrance on Hill Street
Thurs 7 – 10 PM, Sat 12 – 6, or by appointment
Please join metro pcs for the launch of two new projects by Amy Howden-Chapman:
The release of an artist-book, All The News I Read About Climate Change in 2014
The raising of Flag For a 1960s Environmentalist
All The News I Read About Climate Change in 2014 re-presents newspaper articles gathered over the course of a year. Collectively the articles chronicle the slowly evolving language around environmental crisis, during a year which saw a heightening of political engagement and public outcry around climate change. The book is published by Distance Plan Press, with a forward by the Newspaper Reading Club.
Flag for a magnus viagra masticable precio 1960s Environmentalist calls attention to the personal attacks made against writer Rachel Carson after her seminal exposé of the chemical industry, Silent Spring. The insults, slurs, and criticisms heaped upon Carson ranged from lifestyle put-downs “health nut” and “spinster” to more openly political statements such as “communist sympathizer.” These insults mark the genesis of the illogical divide between economic progress and environmental protection, and also highlight the other progressive movements that would arise to confront the sexism and homophobia faced by Carson.
Flag For a 1960s Environmentalist will fly for the duration of the opening and for the weekend of April 17th and 18th.